Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Girls being girls

The other day the girls were in the bathroom being giggly.  I went in to check on them and they were giving each other pedicures minus the toe nail polish.  They were washing and rubbing each others feet.  I love it when they get along and play so well together.  

Halloween Carnival

This year Addison was a bride for Halloween.  When people asked her what she was going to be she always said a bridesmaid.  She had it confused with a bride.  
Eden was Dorthy.  
And Ty was a cow
This year we had our 2nd annual AF friends Halloween Carnival.  Moms (and a few dads) that wanted to contribute a game or booth of some sort for the carnival all came together.  We did it after school on the Friday before Halloween at the church gymnasium.  Andrea and I did the fishing pond game again this year.  I didn't get any pictures of it. 
This is Addison and Eden doing the cake walk. 
Here is Eden trying to do the donut on a string game.  She was determined to finish the entire donut.  It took her about 15 minutes, but she finished the whole thing!  
Addison looking cute getting ready to play a bean bag toss game. 
All the toilet paper in the background is from a game called mummy wrap.  The kids were timed to see how fast they could wrap their partner in toilet paper.  
 I didn't get many pictures if Addison because I spent the majority of the time behind the curtain at the fishing pond booth.  When I wasn't there, I had a hard time funding Addison because she was having too much fun running around with her friends.  
Eden trying to make her way through the spiders web. 
Eden with her friends Sienna (Dorthy) and Sophia (cowgirl).  
I wish I got more picture of all the games, but I didn't have a chance to.  The kids had a lot of fun!  That's all that matters!

Halloween class parties

Eden had her class party the day before Halloween.  She helped me make these witches hats to take to her party.
She got to play a jack o lantern bean bag toss game and a spider ring toss game.
They also played a giant candy corn bowling game but I didn't get a picture.  I was probably chasing Ty.  But here is a picture of Eden and her friend Kenzie.  
The next day was Addison's party. I went and helped with her party.  I had two games for the kids to play.  . . A ring toss game played with witches hats, and the fishing pond game we played at the carnival.  The kids got to "fish" for a Halloween prize.  We had vampire teeth, and Halloween whistles, bat & ghost finger puppets, and plastic spiders.  I once again i didnt get many pics because I was behind the curtain clipping prizes to the fishing line.  
Addison got lots of treats.  
Her teacher put all the kids desks in the shape of a jock o lantern. 
It was a great party! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ty 12 months

Ty just had his 12 month appointment.  He is actually 13 1/2 months (we were a little late getting him in).  He was his usually silly self.  Laughing at the doctor.  Making the doctor and nurses laugh.  Until he got his 4 shots.  Yes, 4.  Poor kid.  Four is the max.  I don't think I could have sat through one more.  It is torture for me to watch.   
His measurements this time were:  
Weight: 23 lbs, 45%
Height: 28.5", 83%
Head circumference: 48 cm, 92%

Things Ty is doing now.  
•WALKING!!  He started walking a few weeks ago, right about 13 months old.  Addison walked at 10 months.  Eden walked at 14 months.  So Ty was in between the two girls.  
•He likes to watch Barney and Strawberry shortcake (thanks to his sisters). He will laugh at certain parts of the show like he knows what is going on.  It is really funny to watch.  
•He LOVES being outside.  He could play outside in the dirt all day.  This winter will be tough, being inside all the time. 
•He loves to ride the 4 wheeler and on the back of my bike.  
This was a few months ago, but he would push my arms away when I was trying to get him out from his bike chair.  
•He is still a mess maker.  He loves to sneak into my bathroom when someone forgets to shut the door and DESTROY everything.  
•He is a great sleeper!  He takes a two hour nap during the afternoon and sleeps 12 hours at night.  It's soooo wonderful to have my full night sleep back.  
• His favorite foods are sting cheese, yogurt, bread, and fruit snacks.  
He is an absolute joy.  We love him so much!