This year Addison was a bride for Halloween. When people asked her what she was going to be she always said a bridesmaid. She had it confused with a bride.
Eden was Dorthy.
This year we had our 2nd annual AF friends Halloween Carnival. Moms (and a few dads) that wanted to contribute a game or booth of some sort for the carnival all came together. We did it after school on the Friday before Halloween at the church gymnasium. Andrea and I did the fishing pond game again this year. I didn't get any pictures of it.
This is Addison and Eden doing the cake walk.
Here is Eden trying to do the donut on a string game. She was determined to finish the entire donut. It took her about 15 minutes, but she finished the whole thing!
Addison looking cute getting ready to play a bean bag toss game.
All the toilet paper in the background is from a game called mummy wrap. The kids were timed to see how fast they could wrap their partner in toilet paper.
I didn't get many pictures if Addison because I spent the majority of the time behind the curtain at the fishing pond booth. When I wasn't there, I had a hard time funding Addison because she was having too much fun running around with her friends. Eden trying to make her way through the spiders web.
Eden with her friends Sienna (Dorthy) and Sophia (cowgirl).
I wish I got more picture of all the games, but I didn't have a chance to. The kids had a lot of fun! That's all that matters!