Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Friday, February 8, 2013

Breakfast of champions

For the last four days in a row Eden has requested macaroni and cheese for breakfast. This is the look she gives me every time I tell her it isn't a breakfast food. I had a feeling I was going to get it again this morning so I had my camera ready. If looks could kill . . . I just can't cook it at 7:30 in the morning. GROSS! One of these mornings I should just surprise her and cook it for breakfast. It would make her very happy!


  1. Ha ha! That is awesome! Love the face ;)

  2. That is hilarious!! I love that you had your camera ready! And I love the look on her face. Carlie has asked for that for breakfast a few times too and I always say no. :)

  3. Lol! I know that look. Andy thinks he needs peanut butter "samiches" and gogurt every single meal.
