Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ahoy it's a Boy

I was very lucky to have an amazing group of friends in high school.  I think it is rare to find friends like mine.  We still try to keep in touch and love excuses to get together.  Thanks to Amanda, we got to get together for a baby shower.  Michele (Hillman) Rowell hosted it at her mom's house in Blackfoot.  Amanda is pregnant with her first baby, a boy.  She is beaming with the pregnancy glow.  I was in charge of the game.  I had to do the guess the candy bar inside the diaper game.  It totally grossed out Amanda (she has never in her life changed a diaper). It was funny to watch the reactions and facial expressions as each new diaper was revealed.  
Debra, and Stacey were the winners.  Funny coincidence. . . They both have the most kids out of all of us (4 each).  Stacey said diaper changing is her life.  It was so great to see all theses ladies!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute party and a fun game. You are lucky to have such a close group of friends!
