Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Valentines Day

Valentines Day at our house was full of love and fun. Addy had her class party at school she got to play a fun tossing game and then have treats. We lucked out and only had to bring drinks to her party. Easy.  I love being able to go see Addy at school and help in her class.  Her teacher is Mrs. Summers. She is great!
Next we left Addy's party and rushed over to Eden's preschool class party. Eden helped me make some pinkalicous cookies for her class party.

I love how happy Eden was when she saw me and Addy show up for her party :) Love her.

Eden playing a valentine dart game.

Eden playing balloon tennis :)

Eden Eating her yummy treats

Eden has 15 girls in her class and 5 boys. . . way outnumbered! Here she is with a few of her classmates.

Eden and her friend Beau

I helped the girls make cards for daddy. The card Addison made.
The card Eden made.

Eden thought it would be fun to dump all the sparkles on the floor.  I am still sweeping sparkles off the floor.  They were EVERYWHERE!
The girls holding the monkeys we gave them.

We also gave the girls a chocolate rose
We also made them each a card to tell them what we love about them. A few of the many things we love about Addy are:
How helpful she is
She is kind
She is very affectionate
She loves to talk about anything and everything
We love to listen to her sing
She is fun to be with
She loves to learn

These are some things we love about Eden:
She is a sweet girl
She is smart
We love when Eden gives us hugs (she doesn't give them a lot so they are special)
She is funny- especially her impression of the animal catcher lady singing on Madagascar 3
She is good at sharing
She is a great sister
She is a great eater (not picky at all!)

And what we love about Ty:
He is funny
He is always smiling
We love to cuddle him!
He's our first baby to eat rice cereal
He is so much fun to play with

Grandma Jones sent each of the kids a yummy treat and a cute valentine.  They loved getting them in the mail!
Grandma Marilyn sent us Carmel peanut butter rice crispy treats dipped in chocolate!! Yeah, they lasted about 5 minutes!
Edens Valentine holder she made at school

Addisons Valentines holder she made at school.
I love my family SO very much!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Yesterday I braided Addys hair. Right before bed I took the braids out so she would sleep more comfortably. When we took them out she had poofy hair. She said "I look just like Annie" (Orphan Annie) then she ran and got her dog and said "this is Sandy." She has alwyas loved the Annie movie, even when she was really little. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

State wresting

This weekend we went and watched my nephew Cutler wrestle in the high School state tournament. He is my oldest sisters son. He did awesome! He took 5th place in the 138 lb weight class. He is a sophomore this year at Rigby high school, Marshall's alma mater. I went on Friday with the kids and then Marshall came with us on Saturday.
The girls had so fun playing with Ruby, Talia, Dylan, and Grandma & Grandpa.  
It seems like not that long ago cutler was a baby, my first nephew/niece, and now he is all growed up!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Breakfast of champions

For the last four days in a row Eden has requested macaroni and cheese for breakfast. This is the look she gives me every time I tell her it isn't a breakfast food. I had a feeling I was going to get it again this morning so I had my camera ready. If looks could kill . . . I just can't cook it at 7:30 in the morning. GROSS! One of these mornings I should just surprise her and cook it for breakfast. It would make her very happy!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Daddy Daycare

I was going through some old pictures on my phone. When I came across this photo, I had to do a blog post. It is just too funny. I don't want Marshall to ever live it down :).
I left the kids home with Marshall while I had a dentist appointment.  I was gone for a few hours and when I got home Ty was dressed like this! Marshall buttoned his onsie over his pants.  I couldn't stop laughing!  Marshall couldn't see anything wrong with the way Ty was dressed, which made it even funnier.  And to top it all off, he was only wearing one sock.  Poor kid :)  I guess all that matters is that he was happy.  Plus this next picture makes up for any miss dressed children. . .
oh, so sweet.  Nothing is more tender than a daddy cuddling his babies :)