Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Marshall, Malory, Addison, Eden & Ty

Thursday, June 11, 2015

T Man

This cute little man has many names.  I call him T man or Mr T.  Marshall calls him Terrance, Tyrone, Tyrell.  Addy calls him TP.  Eden calls him Ty man.  This poor boy answers to all the crazy nicknames we all give him.  

I have been loving the stage he is in right now.  I take that back, I love the stage he is in when we are home.  He is still a handful (although getting easier than a year ago) when we are in public places like grocery stores, but when we are in the comforts of our home he is so much fun! 
He says the funniest things.  Here are a few things he says on a regular basis:
 "what's up dude"
"Mom, what ya doin"
"Ok mom"- when I ask him to do something to help me.  He is a great helper, especially throwing away diapers.  
Lately we ask him if he wants to go poddy in The toilet and he always says "no, not yet."
He loves to watch dinosaur shows.  He is still crazy about match box cars.  
He loves being outside and trying to catch the chickens.  I often find him feeding goldfish or whatever snack he is currently eating, to our dog, fluffy.  
He has some of the best facial expressions. He gets most of them from copying the minions off the despicable me movies.  He loves when he has attention.  He has to share the spotlight with three awesome sisters, so When
he has all eyes on him he will do something silly like fall to the ground or do a summersault.  He makes us laugh on a daily basis. Can't imagine life without this fun, sweet boy!

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